Bots are still going to be maintained, although there will be no activity on any of my other accounts, except occasionally on @trinkeystatus

Twitter Accounts

Normal Accounts

Collab Accounts


  1. Birthday Bot (@BirthdayTracker) - Posts every day mentioning anyone who's birthday it is! This is an opt-in thing where you submit it yourself.
  2. Sentences Bot (@HourlySentences) - Posts a random string of 4-14 words hourly!
  3. Emoji Bot (@AllEmojiBot) - Posts a tweet daily which contains a random emoji and it's name!
  4. Hourly Definitions (@WordDefHourly) - Posts a word and it's definition every hour!
  5. TriviaBot (@HourlyTriviaBot) - Posts random trivia questions every hour!
  6. Guess That Flag! (@GuessThatFlag) - Posts random flag polls every hour!
  7. Counting Bot (@Counting_Bot_) - Counts up by one every 30 minutes!
  8. Guess That Emoji! (@GuessThatEmoji) - Basically GuessThatFlag for all emojis
  9. Random Wikipedia Articles (@RNGWikipedia) - Posts a random Wikipedia article every hour
  10. Lettering Bot (@Lettering_Bot_) - Like Counting Bot but with letters!
  11. Freaky Bot (@freaky___bot) - Posts "𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ___ 👅" with the underscores being a random word every hour!
The bots' source code can be found here.

List of blocked accounts (last updated: 17:45 EST, 14 Mar. 2024 // Total blocked: ):